
Lived Time in Late Antique Egypt is a research project developed by Sofie Remijsen and funded by the VIDI programme of the Dutch Research Council (NWO).

The project examines how time was used and experienced in daily life. Its overall aim is to explain how late-antique multicultural communities in Egypt managed to live together, and how the everyday practices of all men and women had a vital role in reshaping late antique society.


Below you find an overview of all developments concerning the project.

Blog: How did Christians in late antiquity “pray without ceasing”?

Late antique Christians, and monks in particular, were supposed to “pray without ceasing” (1 Thess 5:17). But what did this mean in daily life? How many prayers were considered appropriate and what tools did monks have to keep track of their prayer count? Early Christian church regulations, which are best preserved in Syriac but also …

Urban Times conference in Bonn (DE)

On 17 May 2024 a conference on Urban times will take place at Bonn University, with contributions on temporality and routines in Greek and Roman cities. The program is as follows: 9.00 – 9.15: Introduction 9.15 – 10: Tabea Meurer (Mainz), Scheduling (In-)Equality. A Re-Exploration of Athenian Chronopolitics 10.00 – 10.45: Roland Färber (Düsseldorf/München), Topographie …