
The project team
Photo: Sjoerd Baerts

Dr Sofie Remijsen

Sofie Remijsen (PhD 2012) is an associate professor in Ancient History at the University of Amsterdam and is the principal investigator of the Lived Time project. She is a social and cultural historian of the Eastern Mediterranean (from the Hellenistic period to Late Antiquity) and is interested in the ways in which everyday practices, such as time use or sports, reflect how people understood and shaped the world around them. Within this project, she is working on a monograph entitled Lived Time in Late Antique Egypt, which will discuss how ordinary people dealt with large societal transformations when organizing their daily, weekly and yearly schedules. More

Dr. Sofie Remijsen
Photo: Sjoerd Baerts

Dr. Renate Dekker

Renate Dekker, copticist, obtained a PhD at Leiden University with a dissertation on the social networks and activities of bishops in Late Antique Egypt (2017). Her research interests include monks and monasteries as well as the history of the Coptic Orthodox Church. As a postdoc she contributes to the research project by examining the routines of monks, including coenobites and hermits, in Late Antique Egypt on the basis of Coptic documentary and literary sources.

Dr. Renate Dekker
Photo: Sjoerd Baerts

Dr. Eugenio Garosi (2022-2023)

Eugenio Garosi obtained a Ph.D. (2019) in Arabic Studies and Ancient History at the Ludwig-Maximilians Universität, Munich and the University of Basel with an emphasis on Arabic papyrology and diplomatics. His main research interest lies in the role of languages and scribal practices in constructing social groups in the Umayyad and early Abbasid empires. After two postdocroral fellowships at the IIAS (Jerusalem) and the RomanIslam Center (Hamburg), he joined the Lived Time project, where he engaged with the evolving social connotations of the hiǧrī calendar in Egypt following the Arab conquest.  

Dr. Eugenio Garosi
Photo: Sjoerd Baerts

Elsa Lucassen MA

After studying Classics with a minor in Religious Studies at the University of Amsterdam, Elsa was a teacher of Greek and Latin at a secondary school in Amsterdam for many years. During her studies, she focused on ancient Greek religion and religious customs, specifically how these matters manifest themselves in Greek tragedy, and on religious diversity within the Roman Empire. In this project, she works as a PhD candidate on the changing festival calendar in Late Antique Egypt, where her interests in the fields of ancient history and religion are combined.  

Elsa Lucassen
Photo: Sjoerd Baerts

Kevin Hoogeveen MA

Kevin Hoogeveen obtained his Bachelor’s degree in History at Leiden University and his Master’s in History at the University of Amsterdam. Kevin participates in the Lived Time project as research assistant and is mainly occupied with entering data from Greek papyri into the project’s database. On the 1st of October 2024 he will start with his own PhD project on domestic migration in late-antique Egypt, funded by the Dutch Research Council (NWO).

Kevin Hoogeveen
Photo: Sjoerd Baerts